When the Sun turns up in a reading, use it as a reminder that life is wonderful and precious. Its radiant beams will light up even the darkest aspects of your existence, and you do not need to be afraid or doubtful for your future. Its warmth will wrap around your being and enliven it. If it is not readily apparent, be calm and search deeper, it is sure to reveal itself in due time. If you are lucky enough to bask in the greatness of the sun, share it with those you love; it will bring them joy and reassurance as they themselves tread through shadows.
This card is the first milestone in the journey of the Wands. Everything is coming together nicely, and while things are supporting themselves, take this time to enjoy the success of what you have wrought so far. This is a time of great peace and contentment. It may include family, or a landmark in your life celebrated by ceremony. At the very core it is happiness one of those rare times when life is going your way, and you're aware enough to appreciate it.
There are many reasons to dwell in false realities. More often than not, it is out of sheer convenience: life is not amazing, but it's comfortable. Maintaining the status quo is easier than confronting any deepseated issues that are quietly eroding your sanity. The Devil is in fact a counterpoint to Temperance- something is out of balance, but you lack the courage or acuity to address it. To break the serpent's gaze means acknowledging where you truly are, and that can be discomfiting. Ask yourself if avoiding a harsh truth is worth living in a distorted dream world.
If you crave mastery of your environment, there is no better card to draw than the King of Pentacles. He is the pinnacle of experience, hard work, and blunt intelligence, and as a result, he is relied upon in his community for his competence. Embody his power and ability to get things done. You do not need to wait for inspiration. You can stoke the fire within yourself. Muster all your strength and hurtle over anything that stands in your way.
It's easy to slink away from a tough situation, but it takes real strength to surmount one's obstacles and press on. It is possible to be indomitable. By being resolute through difficult times and sustaining a strong, impenetrable core you can forge on indefinitely, constantly renewing your horizons. Do not be afraid. Fear is the mind-killer. You need only to believe yourself unconquerable for it to be so.
The Tower suggests a sudden and unwelcome change after mindless self-absorption. Eventually equilibrium will restore itself, like tectonic plates slamming into place. Be ready for it, reap what blessings you can from this swift ruination. Amidst the rubble there is a truth long rejected, and in a way, it will set you free. You have a chance to start anew on firmer ground.
When you receive this card, you have struck upon a vein of potent energy. If you choose to manifest it, you will be propelled into some grand adventure, wrought with passion and despair. Much will be required of you: creativity, compassion, and steady discipline; but if you truly believe in your dream, fight for it until the end. Capitalize on this heady excitement. Pursue without fear or hesitation any idea that seems promising. Above all, believe in yourself and your potential.
The Lovers suggest a potent time to begin a new relationship. Break down barriers. Let people get to know you, the real you, and welcome their energy into your life. Revel in sexuality and connection. Let yourself be influenced by one person. This is a card that celebrates individualism. Delight in integration
without dimming your own beautiful gleam.
Learning to maintain a balance is essential to survival. Though temptations will perpetually beckon, most sensual delights will prove sweeter in moderation. An excess can be toxic- don't numb or harm yourself through overindulgence. If you find yourself with more than you need, a neighbor may benefit from your surplus. By sharing with others, life retains its distinct and magnificent flavors.
This can be a frightening card to receive at first. Loss and change are inevitable and often quite painful. Brace yourself to shed something that seems integral to your life. But inevitably, out of its remains will grow something more beautiful and more adapted to your needs than you could have anticipated. Pulling the card of Death is just a sign of forthcoming renewal. Though it loses its familiar form, that which passes away only breaks down into simpler components and dissipates out into the universe.
Constantly vying for power may seem like a futile pursuit, but it is in fact a simple, blessed characteristic of life that it is never at a standstill. The Wheel of Fortune shows the perpetual shifting in the balance of powers, manifested infinitely within every aspect of your life. At any given time, you will be the champion, be the contender, believe you are the champion, or have no reign at all, quickly hurtling yourself into the fray. This card suggests a change is coming. The old king is dead. Someone, or something, will rise up in its stead.
It is a rare and wonderful thing to work together in unison; so much can be achieved when contrasting personalities coalesce to form a common purpose. Establish empathy; communicate your needs and desires with trusting candor. Seek in turn to meet the needs of others. Do not dwell in differences: all people crave love and acceptance, even if it is expressed in a million different ways. Tune yourself into these quiet voices and see if you can address some of these common, crying needs.
The Ten of Chalices reminds us that life can be a simple, unadulterated pleasure. Supported by family, our beliefs, our traditions, and our values, we can live in calm unity With each other. Our emotions link us to the supple lifeblood of the universe. Love connects us all. Life connects us all. We are one.