This only works when you have an audience full of people who know like and trust you— ie. a strong enough personal brand. Inside of Nonstop Notifications you will receive the key ingredients to put your brand on the MF map as you attract an audience of aligned unicorn clients ready to stampede into your next offer! Nicole was able to close 20 people into her beta in the first month that her group was live because of this technique.
Popularity Post
This one slays when you are creating content that is clear, concise and to the MF point. In Nonstop Notifications, you receive copywriting secrets that have your audience hip hip horaying in the comments from a place of true connection. This is how Nicole has unicorns buying straight through the funnel at $10K pay in full!
Polarity Post
This technique is only effective when you effectively use polarity— which is easier said than done because some people will not agree with what you have to say. Inside of Nonstop Notifications, you receive the essential mindset tools to help you soothe through your core distressing emotions around rejection and abandonment so you can become the leader your audience is waiting for… This is how Nicole built her fb group to 10,000 people in her first six months.
Most people are simply too vanilla— they don’t know what their competitive edge is. This keeps them blending in with the competition. Inside of Nonstop Notifications, you will receive the support you need to boldly stand taller than the rest as you step into the stop light so your unicorn clients can finally see you. Nicole used this strategy to interrupt the industry pattern and create a seven figure business in her first year.
Price Marinade Post
Obviously you need to have a higher tier in order to promote it. Inside of Nonstop Notifications you will learn the secrets of high ticket sales. It’s actually easier than you think! Nicole invested $55K pay in full to learn to sell high ticket from one of the best closers in the industry… She distilled down the concepts, shifted them away from pain point poking and developed her own high ticket closing methods that work better and faster than the old way of doing it.
Creating a clear identity for your clients will help you to build a strong brand presence that has people buying again and again. Inside of Wonder World, we have an 86% retention rate because you LOVE being a unicorn!
This technique is particularly effective when you have existing clients in your audience who are getting incredible results, they will often jump into the comments section to recommend you. That's the beauty of having a unicorn sales funnel in place— when your clients get great results, of course they want to recommend you and your programs. This third party recommendation energy is way more powerful than you selling yourself.
Be sure to offer something that does NOT cannibalize your signature offer— this is a common mistake that we see people make all the time. Don't give your program away… think of something that is super sexy and would be an ENHANCEMENT to your signature offer. Nicole loves to offer a glimpse into her premium ticket offers because this also serves as a price marinade. Talking about her $50K program makes the $10K a no brainer… while also helping people to admit to themselves that they really want the premium tier.
Don't assume you know what your audience wants… just ask them using the poll feature!
You only THINK you know what your audience wants… when you poll the audience will you be moving forward with the iron clad knowing that you are delivering exactly what your audience wants. Nicole uses this technique to ensure she is choosing the highest and best topics. Inside of Nonstop Notifications you will learn where those topics come from in the first place to ensure you are setting your masterclass up for client closing success… and not cannibalizing your signature offer…
If you're going to poll the audience, you should 100% be announcing those results, right? Remember that people love to do what other people love to do. This is just a tiny taste of the crowd psychology techniques you will learn inside of Nonstop Notifications to make sure that you have an audience full of ready to invest clients saying YES to your offers.
The algorithm shows content to people in your group who interact with content in your group. Activate your audience by getting people to comment. This will ensure that your other posts get more visibility. There is also a mindset piece that is essential for helping you to really be SEEN— Nicole helps her clients to release sneaky visibility fears so their audiences blow up fast AF!
Big Win Post
When people connect with your wins, you are calling in clients who are in the CATALYST— ready for results like the one you have. When you choose struggle language, you attract people who are married to their pain. The name of the game is to speak only to the people in your audience to want to move now— not someday… Inside of Nonstop Notifications you will learn how to strategically position your Unicorn Sales Funnel to the catalyst instead of to the pain points. This is exactly how Nicole was able to make $100K in her first four months.
This technique is an awesome way to get more eyes on your core content as you drive traffic. Building more connection to the desired results and overcoming objections along the way is perfect priming before you make an offer. These touch points also create a behavior pattern in your audience. Inside of Nonstop Notifications, you will learn how to great captivating CALL TO ACTION language patterns that have people saying YES! Those micro yeses are what led Nicole to three back to back multi-six figure pitches!
This will drum up more engagement in your audience and get people involved who haven't commented in years! This strategy is hard to resist. Choose something on topic so you can naturally drive traffic to core content in your Unicorn Sales Funnel— you will learn all about high converting core content inside of Nonstop Notifications! This is one of Nicole's secrets to closing $10K pay in full clients straight through the funnel.
When people comment, be sure to connect through reflection and active through a call to action. It's ok to go back and forth with your audience. This gives you an opportunity to really get to know them. Practice using result drivers that you know are specifically relevant for that one person. Also remember that lurkers click on links all the time. So the investment of time and energy into that one person will come around 10x when you create engaging dialogue that lurkers love to read. Nicole has lurkers buying $10K straight through the funnel and they always tell her that they read other conversations in the comments to help them to make the decision to go all in without even talking to her or the team…
Remember that it's not buy my thing all the time. No one gets out alive. Have fun with your audience. Play unicorn games. Connecting with your vibe is a great way to get more eyes on your other content. If they won't engage on your lighthearted stuff, they won't touch the activating content with a ten foot poll. Warm them up!
This objection handling post activate the cultivation energy in your audience. When people become problem aware they start naturally seeking solutions. That's one of the secrets of client attraction— you learn all about the psychology of cultivation inside of Nonstop Notifications as Nicole breaks down seller psychology secrets that will forever change the way you create content.
Current events always offer opportunities for conversation and buzz worthy engagement. Pay attention to what is working in mainstream media to capture the attention of a larger audience and spur interesting conversations in the comments. Leveraging the energy of already existing movement only makes yours stronger. Bonus points if you can effectively tether this event to your signature offer. If you're paying attention, you will see Nicole do this all the time.
Double down on what has worked in the past to prime your audience for the offer
When you are creating a unicorn sales funnel, you will end up will piles of high converting content and the best news is that you can use it again and again to close more clients now and in the future. Work smarter not harder by driving traffic back to content that has already converted to make your funnel flow even faster.
Remember that people love to want what other people want. Crowd psychology is a MF thing— when people line up, other people just get in line. Publicly dangle the irresistible carrot and watch your pipeline fill up with people who want what you sell. Pay particular attention to the regulars who are saying YES again and again, this is your warm audience and they are chomping at the bit waiting for your next offer. Having an audience full of people who want what you sell makes it oh so easy to fill up your signature offer. This is how Nicole creates consistent six figure months.
Want people to feel a sense of community and belonging? Give them a name. Or better yet, let them name themselves! This is a fun traffic driving strategy that keeps your audience playing unicorn games and builds hype for events. It will also activate colder portions of your audience as they feel comfortable playing along in a low stakes environment. Unicorn funnels are supposed to be fun! That's how Nicole has created five years of seven figure success.
Give this post a reality TV show vibe to pull people into your work and illicit a feeling of belonging to the inside circle. Nicole does this inside of her alumni group and often uses a higher language pattern than she does in the free group. This keeps people wanting more and knowing that they are a part of an exclusive energy. Inner circle vibes for the win! That's a part of Unicorn Sales Funnel Magic that produces super high retention and ascension rates. We want our existing clients to participate in our traffic driving unicorn games because they set the tone of the newbies. Make sure you give them what they want too….
This post is particularly effective when you drive traffic to a training where they can learn more about your offer before they are presented with a pitch. Make sure you highlight results that your audience WANTS nor NEEDS. Nicole always has super sweet bonuses inside of her offers so she loves to drive traffic to a resource that will help the audience attach to one of those bonuses.
A lot of people in Wonder World have already bought Nicole's signature offer, but they still come to events and still want something more. Nicole created magical experiences for her existing clients and captivates her audience with next level connectivity. This style of post is specifically for clients who have already bought the signature offer, but are wanting more.
This style of post will activate your audience and encourage them to a be a part of the conversation. It's a great way to get to know people and to learn their language patterns and what they value in themselves. Inside of Nonstop Notifications, you will learn how to strategically apply their language patterns to your marketing to call in clients that align with your core values and get the highest and best results.
When you know what you do differently than the competition, you can strategically position yourself as the expert. This helps your audience to know why they should choose you, what value you bring to the table and how you are different. Basically, this type of post stops people from shopping because they already know that it's YOU!
Use the already event attending members to drum up more engagement and get more eyes on the event.
This post works particularly well when you ask people to share why they are coming. People essentially sell it for you! Not to mention you will also be privy to knowing exactly what people want and why they are coming to the event. You will be able to create more content from their answers to drive more traffic. Inside of Nonstop Notifications, Nicole teaches you all sorts of other ways to double down on what's already working.
This one single targeted bit of ROI can be demonstrated to your audience through a transformational story that evokes emotion and connection. This is particularly valuable to identify leads to connect with different aspects of your offer. Inside of Nonstop Notifications, Nicole shows you different ROI articulation techniques to help your audience to understand the deeper value of your offer which is essential when closing high ticket clients.
When your audience is more self aware, they are more likely to take action on your offer. This cultivation style post helps people to become problem aware so your solution feels more valuable. One of the first things you do inside of Nonstop Notifications is complete a self assessment. These detailed questions produce rapid results as you identify constraints that you can use Nicole's strategies to alleviate. You know she was a consultant for million and billion dollar companies right? Oh and the people that raise their hands on this post tend be your HOTTEST leads…
Connection is key— people can't connect with you when you are hiding behind perfection. Your true self attracts your true believer. Inside of Nonstop Notifications you will receive real strategies for aligning your mindset to be able to share vulnerably even in front of big audiences. As Nicole always says… it's all about full butthole transparency! Her raw and refreshing energy is what put her on the map.
Challenging people's belief patterns is the fastest way to create aha moments that establish you as an expert. When you ask questions that ask people to vulnerably rate themselves, even the people who don't respond felt a feeling of avoiding that challenging question. Challenges are opportunities. When you speak uncomfortable truths and challenge others to do the same, you establish leadership energy in your audience. People love to follow leaders! The comments also leave space for connection and cultivation. Inside of Nonstop Notifications you will learn the 3 C's Comment Technique that produces high ticket buyers.
11-17 touch points! That's how many times someone needs to be activated to take action on any given call to action. People don't create enough hype, they don't remind their audience, they don't engage from multiple angles and then they wonder why nobody knows about their offer. People are exposed to thousands of posts a day. You have to keep their heads in the game and keep reactivating them to get more eyes on your offer and more attendees at your events! When you have a Unicorn Sales Funnel in place, you can use core content to supplement some of the content creation… You will learn all about that inside of Nonstop Notifications Client Attraction Program.
Showcasing results that people want establishes you as an authority and gives your audience the opportunity to say YES to their own desire for those results. Inside of Nonstop Notifications you will receive the six daily steps that you need to take to attract high ticket clients every single day. Sharing a result is step one… the other five steps will connect, cultivate and convert high ticket clients so you can create five figure months that turn into five figure days. Posts like this ensure that your audience knows who the fuck you are and why the fuck they should listen to you.
july 2025